Notation based on the Specified Commercial Transaction Act
Trader: sole proprietor
Shop name: BearDyugin
Representative: Kravchenko Irina
Postal code: 261-0005
Address: 3-3-22-104 Inagekaigan, Mihama ward, Chiba City, Chiba Pref., Japan
Contact: 070-2615-7613, E-mail:
Kinds of commodities: Geodetic applications for AutoCAD and vertical solutions based on AutoCAD for example such as Civil 3D
Consumption tax: Commodities include consumption taxes
Minimum order: 1 license
Delivery time of product: In the same day
Payment methods: Online payment service, bank transfer
Transfer fee: Fees for bank transfer are borne by applicants.
Terms of payment: no deferred payments
Cancellation/ changing: The software is distributed free of charge and has a 30 day trial period. Therefore, cancellation after the completion of the procedure is in principle not allowed. However, it is possible to consider individual cases with a 100% return.