Earthwork plan v9.0.7

Notice extended: Calculation and execution of the earthwork plan

Cost: 20 USD

Price for legal entities:
2000 ₽

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Description of the command:


GCCG - (Geo Cartogram Create Grid) - the main command, creates a grid of squares for further calculation, the command uses the dialog box:

-< Surfaces >- the choice of surfaces is available both from the list and from the drawing

-< Grid of squares >- optional
Dimensions - can be specified on the screen or entered manually
Base point - the position of the vertex of one of the squares of the grid

-< Boundaries >- you can not specify
External - only closed polylines are available, a common area for 2 surfaces and the specified border will be found.
Internal - only closed polylines are available, you can specify several, according to these contours areas from the cartogram will be cut
Feature lines - there may be 2D \ 3D polylines and feature lines of Civil, when intersecting feature lines and grid squares, the squares will be divided into parts by the feature line.

-< Angle of rotation of the cartogram >- set the rotation of the cartogram
MSC - the grid will be created parallel to the axes of the world coordinate system.
UCS - the grid will be created parallel to the axes of the user coordinate system. (as it was in previous versions)
Own - the grid will be rotated according to the angle entered by the user.


 GCCL - (Geo Cartogram Create Line grid) - Creates a grid of squares oriented along the path, the command uses the dialog box: 

-< Sources >-
A choice of objects is available both from the list and from the drawing, while a Civl 3D “track” object or any linear AutoCAD object can act as a trace

-< Pickage >-
Entered manually or indicated on the drawing to indicate the desired range of the route

-< Grid of squares >-
The grid can be built both to the borders and a fixed width along the axis, or even for example on one side of the axis. In order to have one row of squares along the route, indicate a deliberately larger size across the axis than the width of the surface itself.

-< Boundaries >-
You can not specify
External - only closed polylines are available, a common area for 2 surfaces and the specified border will be found.
Internal - only closed polylines are available, you can specify several, according to these contours areas from the cartogram will be cut
Feature lines - there may be 2D \ 3D polylines and feature lines of Civil, when intersecting feature lines and grid squares, the squares will be divided into parts by the feature line.

GCMR.png GCMR - (Geo Cartogram Merge Regions) command combines several selected regions into one. It is convenient to combine small areas with neighboring large ones. After calling the command, regions with an area of ​​less than 2% of the base will be highlighted in red, and regions with an area of ​​less than 25% in blue.

GCSE.png GCSE - (Geo Cartogram Sign Elevation) the command signs the marks on the nodes of the square grid


This command will create the _Geo_cart_ block

All basic settings for the block are present in the dialog. If you need something more, you can always edit it in the block editor and select "Use an existing block" the next time you call the command.

GCWB.png GCWB - (Geo Cartogram Weed Block) the command deletes blocks (mark signatures) that sign individual vertices that are not common to neighboring sections.
GCAB.png GCAB - (Geo Cartogram Add Block) command inserts a block (signature labels) at any location you specify.

GCWZ.png GCWZ - (Geo_Cartogram_Work_Zero) the command resets the work mark in the indicated blocks, while the choice is available which mark is Red or Black left unchanged.
GCDE.png GCDE - (Geo_Cartogram_Delete_Elevation) command deletes all label labels.
GCCV.png GCCV - (Geo Cartogram Calculation Volumes) the command based on the already created grid of squares and signed marks will calculate and further design.

This command will create the _Geo_cart_vol_ block

All basic settings for the block are present in the dialog. If you need something more, you can always edit it in the block editor and select "Use an existing block" the next time you call the command.

GCDV.png GCDC - (Geo Cartogram Delete Calculation) the command deletes only volume calculations, leaving a grid of squares and label marks, for possible editing of the grid itself \ surfaces \ marks and re-calculation.

GCMB.png GCMB - (Geo Cartogram Move Block) the command move the block (signatures of angles or volume) to a new location and builds a leader from its original position.

GCDA.png GCDA - (Geo Cartogram Delete All) command deletes the entire cartogram.


The application is installed in the C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins folder. AutoCAD (CIVIL 3D) starting from version 2013, at startup, they go into this folder themselves, and load the necessary data from there, after which a corresponding new panel will appear on the Ribbon, on the "Add-Ins" tab.

Purchase \ Registration

The purchase comes from the application itself, after installing it and running the command in AutoCAD (CIVIL 3D), a window will appear about the trial period, in this window there will be a button "Buy", which will launch the registration form in the browser. Activation of the application is tied to the PC hardware, changing AutoCAD does not affect in any way, reinstalling the operating system will require re-entering the activation code, but the code itself will not change and the code obtained earlier will do. Changing the PC will require a new registration (purchase).


Registration is not tied to the version of the application, so the installation of a new version will not require an additional fee.



Removal is performed using standard Windows methods through the Control Panel -> Add \ Remove Programs

Briefly about us

Hello! My name is Alexander Berdyugin.

I wrote the first applications for myself, relying on my experience in cameral work, after that I tested them myself, constantly applying them in my work, found and fixed bugs, added new functions to further automate cameral processing.

Now I am only engaged in the development of applications (in fact, writing code is only a third of the case, it still takes a lot of time to design buttons, panels, writing certificates, recording video clips, technical support, issuing certificates, and much more ...). Those. I don’t work as a surveyor, I don’t do any office work, and I can’t test my modules in practice. The only testing, when I record a video instruction, I find bugs and ideas come up for further improvement or addition.

Therefore, feedback is very important, if something does not work for you or does not work - write to me, or this is a bug and with your help I will find out and fix it, or I will tell you how to properly prepare the data for the application to work. Or not all routine processes are automated yet - write to me, and together we will figure out how to make AutoCAD work for you.

Briefly about us

Comprehensive Solutions For Autocad

AutoCAD is software for 3D computer modeling from Autodesk, which is developed for product design, buildings, production planning, civil infrastructure and construction.

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